How to get ahead of body decline before it disrupts your training…

How many of us have seen a friend or a training partner present with a relatively minor injury or symptom and wonder how they will progress over the season? Perhaps, as events unfold, things continue to fail to go as planned, with the complaint progressing to the point they can no longer train or compete. These disappointments when diagnosed and managed properly, can not only be remedied but avoided.

How many of us surf the net for a stretch or an exercise to match our symptoms, only to learn later down the track, the activity we chose in actual fact was ineffective in relieving the cause. So focused were we on the symptom we failed to recognize the insights, our choices perhaps even perpetuating the problem. Right now I’m reminded of a family friend boasting more sit-ups and crunchies to resolve their persistent lower back pain.

Choosing the wrong remedy not only disrupts fitness progression and preparation for events, the delays in resolving these issues accelerate body decline. The consequences for individuals unable to exercise making a drastic dent in health as well as lifestyle. Reduced participation in their chosen activities increases the difficulty to manage weight, maintain lean muscle mass and provide sufficient stimulus for cardiovascular needs. And so the downward spiral begins.

Managing risk…

Warren Buffett, considered one of the greatest investment thinkers of our time, offers this analogy: “Let’s say that I offer to buy you the car of your dreams. You can pick out any car that you want, and then when you leave this afternoon, that car will be waiting for you at home.”

As with most things in life, Buffett says there’s just one catch: It’s the only car you’re ever your entire life. Now, knowing that, how are you going to treat that car?” he asks.

“You’re probably going to read the owner’s manual four times before you drive it; you’re going to keep it in the garage, protect it at all times, change the oil twice as often as necessary,” says Buffett. “If there’s the least little bit of rust, you’re going to get that fixed immediately so it doesn’t spread — because you know it has to last you as long as you live.”

The position you’re in with your car is exactly the position you’re in concerning your mind and body.

“You have only one mind and one body for the rest of your life,” Buffett says. “If you aren’t taking care of them when you’re young, it’s like leaving that car out in hailstorms and letting rust eat away at it. If you don’t take care of your mind and body now, by the time you’re 40 or 50, you’ll be like a car that can’t go anywhere.”

One Body Mindset

If you are of the mindset that you only get one body, to achieve results to your expectations and above, you really do have to manage and plan well to get the best results.

Without the equivalent of a car manual, the challenge for anyone is “knowing what they don’t know” about the CAUSE AND EFFECT relationships their body faces.

Helping your body to perform long term means gaining insights about the way your body behaves and reacts. To manage your body well and avoid disruption to your fitness regime, the training you do needs an individual focus and to prepare your body well for the next decade.

Determined to do this, feel like you can? Gather insights quickly…

Without insights it’s very easy to experience a disruption to your training regime. Without a process built to your specific needs, it is easy under-estimate your body’s adaptation time and to under-prepare.

We encourage a risk mangament approach. We can help you choose, at any stage of your progression, the right actions and remedies to fine tune your training.

If you’re having problems achieving consistent training due to persistent symptoms or frustrated by slow fitness progression, stagnant or reducing physical capability, then let’s talk.

I urge you to email me directly if you would like us to assist you to fine-tune your training. We are dedicated to helping you to train effectively and gaining insights quickly is a fantastic way to speed up that process.

I’m available Monday 4-6pm for brief phone calls (click contact link for dets) or use our contact form to ask me for help today Contact Me


Looking to go sub 5 for your next PB?


Successful training hinges on the ongoing relationship you have with your body…